Bhuj, 16th Sept. In a last-minute decision, the Railway Ministry has renamed the Bhuj-Ahmedabad Vande Metro to the Namo Bharat Rapid Rail, hours before its inaugural run on Monday. According to a spokesperson, the service will be virtually flagged off from Bhuj railway station at 4:15 pm by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who will be present in Ahmedabad.
The Namo Bharat Rapid Rail, designed to improve intercity connectivity, will cover the 359 km journey from Bhuj to Ahmedabad in approximately 5 hours and 45 minutes. The train will make stops at nine stations along the route. Regular service for the public will commence on September 17 from Ahmedabad, with the total journey priced at Rs 455.
The Railway Ministry stated that the name change reflects the train’s enhanced service and connectivity features. Unlike other metro services, the Namo Bharat Rapid Rail aims to link central Ahmedabad with its surrounding cities.
The train features 12 coaches with a capacity for 1,150 passengers, offering innovative amenities including ergonomically designed seats, fully air-conditioned cabins, and modular interiors. It boasts a significant upgrade from traditional suburban trains and metro coaches with modular designs and ejector-based vacuum evacuation toilets.
The Rapid Rail’s design focuses on faster journeys between mid-distance cities, with its rapid acceleration and deceleration contributing to efficient travel. The train’s dual driving cabs at both ends also eliminate turnaround time, enhancing overall service efficiency.