New Delhi, 25th Dec. , President Droupadi Murmu conferred the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar to 17 outstanding children from 14 states and union territories at a prestigious ceremony held at Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. These awards celebrate exceptional achievements across categories like Art and Culture, Bravery, Innovation, Science and Technology, Social Service, Sports, and Environment.
Among the honored recipients were Janani Narayanan for her exceptional musical talent, Sanchi Agrawal for her dedication to classical dance and Sanskrit recitation, and Kisen Vaniyang Veerta Dakshaniprasim for his remarkable act of bravery. The ceremony, held on Veer Baal Diwas, paid tribute to the courage and sacrifice of young heroes, adding a symbolic significance to the event.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi also participated in the day’s events, emphasizing the critical role of nurturing and empowering young talent for the nation’s progress. The awards underscore the importance of encouraging excellence among youth, showcasing their potential to inspire and lead the future.