Marco Hindi Box Office: Malayalam film Marco is slowly and steadily inching towards hit status at the Indian box office. One of the 2024’s last releases, the Unni Mukundan starrer action thriller has already minted ₹43.9 crore in India across Malayalam, Hindi and Telugu. With the Tamil version set to release soon, the film’s biz is expected to rise further in the coming days. Marco’s Hindi version has found acceptance among the audiences, registering over 1500% jump in biz between weeks 1 and 2.
Marco Hindi box office run detailed
Marco’s run at the Hindi box office started off slow but has picked up pace in the 2nd week. While week 1 collections were ₹28 lakh, week 2 biz jumped to a whopping ₹4.65 crore. New Year’s remained the highest-grossing single day in the film’s run in the Hindi belts, with collections touching ₹1.15 crore, on par with the original Malayalam version.
So far, the film has collected ₹4.93 crore in Hindi, ₹37.37 crore in Malayalam and ₹1.6 crore in Telugu (2 days), taking its India biz to ₹43.9 crore in 2 weeks, since its release on December 20.
Marco Vs Kill box office
Marco has been slotted in the same genre as the Bollywood film Kill. Interestingly, while Kill’s week 2 collection reduced by nearly 40% from its first week, Marco’s Hindi business has risen by over 1540%, indicating that Hindi audiences like the movie. Kill lifetime biz worldwide was ₹47.25 crore and Marco’s global collections currently stand at ₹79.65 crore. It could touch the ₹100 crore mark at the worldwide box office if Tamil, Telugu and Hindi versions pull up in the coming days.