Malaika Arora has been in the limelight owing to her personal life for the past few months. She parted ways from Arjun Kapoor, whom she dated for around 5-6 years for a reason better known to them. Earlier, she was married to an actor, with whom she has a son Arhaan Khan. Having an experience of both marriage and divorce, the actress talked about the importance of having one’s own identity in a marriage for women, in a recent interview.
Why it’s important to have one’s own identity in a marriage?
In an interview with Curly Tales, Malaika shared that women need to maintain their financial independence by keeping their finances separate from their better halves after marriage.“Independent rakho baba (Be independent). Jo tera hai voh tera hai, jo mera hai voh mera hai (What is yours is yours, and what is mine is mine). I mean, when you get married or you’re with someone, you try to infuse… you know, try to fuse a situation where you want to make everything one. But I feel it’s very important to have your own identity,” she continued.
She added, “It’s good that you’re doing things together but that doesn’t mean you kind of give up your entire identity and take on someone else’s. As it is you’re taking on somebody else’s last name, right? So I think the least you can do is hang on to your own bank account.”
Her statement comes months after the breakup with Allu Arjun .
Is Malaika Arora dating anyone after Allu Arjun?
Earlier this month, rumours were rife that Malaika is dating her son Arhaan’s stylist Rahul Vijay. However soon after a source close to her rubbished all the rumours and said the reports were “ridiculous” and “bizarre”.
It all started when Rahul Vijay shared a post on her Instagram Stories of Malaika enjoying AP Dhillon’s concert in Mumbai. Wait, was it a Malaika concert,” read his picture caption. Since then, a selfie of the two started doing the rounds adding fuel to the fire.
So the conclusion is the actress is happy single.