Moradabad: In Uttar Pradesh’s Moradabad district, an unusual incident took place in the Thakurdwara area, where a man on a bike reportedly had a fierce encounter with a leopard after the accident. The incident claimed to have occurred near Sultanpur village on the Kashipur Highway, during which, the man sustained critical injuries, while the leopard died.
According to reports, the young man was riding his bike when suddenly a leopard attacked him. After the attack, the young man showed great courage and fought back against the leopard. A fierce struggle ensued between the two, eventually resulting in the death of the leopard.
Sources claimed that the man was seriously injured in the fight and was rushed to the hospital. His condition is said to be critical.
Meanwhile, the teams from the Forest Department and police have reached the spot and started an investigation.
This incident, which took place near Sultanpur village in the Thakurdwara area of Moradabad, has become a topic of discussion in the region. The man’s bravery and the death of the leopard have drawn the attention of locals.
Further details regarding the incident are being awaited.