According to the Chaldean system, every numerology number meaning is pre-defined. Here each alphabet is assigned a specific number.

Then to calculate your name number or destiny number, all you have to do is, pick the letters of your name and the numbers associated with each one of them.
After that, get the sum total of it. It requires you to reduce the number obtained to a single digit by adding them till you get it.
Among the final numbers you get, some are called Chaldean Numerology friendly numbers and some are called the unfriendly numbers based on what their interpretations are.
This strength or weakness in a chart (3 × 3 grid) is collectively accumulated by all the numbers present (or missing in the 3 × 3 grid) in any individual’s date of birth.
According to the principles of Feng Shui, the Lo Shu grid formed according to the symbols found on the shell of the tortoise is an incredible approach to help you examine your life and future.
This square was remarkable because every horizontal, vertical, and diagonal row added up to fifteen. Fifteen is the number of days between the new moon and the full moon.
Lo-Shu grid is a famous Chinese concept and it is very popular among all the Pathagorean Numerologists; for your kind information, sharing some related images to understand Indian Vastu.
Lo Shu Grid is a 3×3 square grid which is the part of Chinese Numerology. A birth chart grid consists of Nine Spaces, each space meant for a number. The date of birth of native will be written in full and spaces filled.
This 3 by 3 magic square (as shown in figure) magically adding to ‘15’ when added horizontally or vertically or diagonally is called as the “Lo-Shu Grid” by Chinese Numerologists.
Horizontal Planes in Lo Shu Grid (Lo Su Grid Mind Plane – Numbers 4 9 2) This is the topmost horizontal line of the birth chart. The Mind Plane represents the innate thinking capacity of an individual. It reflects the powers of memory, intellect, analyzing capability, and thought.
Lo So Grid Soul Plane – Numbers 3 5 7 Soul Plane (Or Spiritual or Emotional Plane) The middle horizontal line of the birth chart is the emotional or the soul plane. It reflects sensitivity, freedom, love, artistic inclination, spiritual independence and intuition.
Lo-Shu Grid Pratical Plane – Numbers 8 1 6
Practical Plane (Or Physical Plane) The bottom horizontal line of the birth chart is the practical plane. This plane represents practical abilities, organizational skills, materialistic abilities, verbal expression and the ability to do physical specially with one’s hand.