This incident follows other recent thefts in Bengaluru, including a daylight burglary in Indiranagar, where thieves targeted parked cars using specialized tools to steal...
On International Coffee Day, Sam Roberts, founder of 6oz Artisan Coffee, is inviting coffee lovers to celebrate the rich tradition of Indian coffee.
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A 27-year-old man stabbed his 52-year-old neighbour to death after a drunken altercation during a family gathering in west Bengaluru.
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A newborn baby boy was rescued after being buried alive in Bengaluru's Katriguppe Dinne. Authorities are searching for those responsible.
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A Bengaluru resident's quick thinking and recording helped foil a scam involving a fake Flipkart delivery agent trying to deliver a fraudulent package.
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A Bengaluru woman turned a traffic jam into a dance party by joining street dancers, captivating social media with her carefree spirit.
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Bengaluru's skies lit up with stunning colours as Comet C/2023 A3 passed over, captivating residents and sparking a social media frenzy.
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Karnataka's Deekshita wins gold in the 400m hurdles at the Indian Open U-23 Athletics Competition, highlighting the state's athletic talent.
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A 3D billboard for Bangalore Thindies featuring a life-like coffee pour has gone viral, sparking both admiration and criticism online.
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This incident underscores ongoing concerns about road safety and the effectiveness of police responses to such cases, leaving the couple with more questions than...
Both Puzzled Pint and Playful Pursuits promote cognitive benefits associated with puzzle-solving, as supported by neurologist Dr. Shobha N. Puzzles are known to enhance...