The Banashankari police have apprehended a 23-year-old man named Raghunandan, a resident of J.P. Nagar, who is accused of stealing two-wheelers by cutting their...
A devastating incident in Bengaluru's Yeddyurappa Nagar area has resulted in the deaths of four family members, raising suspicions of a murder-suicide linked to...
Bengaluru continued to face heavy rainfall on Wednesday, flooding several areas and keeping civic authorities and traffic personnel busy.
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New data from Indeed reveals a notable 14% increase in cybersecurity job postings in India from September 2023 to September 2024, reflecting a heightened...
The new trainsets will offer a fully air-conditioned, chair-car configuration with modern amenities, including reclining and rotatable seats, special provisions for passengers with restricted...
A 44-year-old English professor, Shabana, from a private college in Jayanagar, Bengaluru, attempted suicide by consuming over 10 pills in her classroom on Monday...
Authorities, including the BBMP and Bengaluru police, are on high alert to manage any arising issues as further heavy showers are expected until October...
On Tuesday, Bengaluru experienced severe thunderstorms, resulting in significant flooding at the Phoenix Mall of Asia located in the Yelahanka area.
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Over 13,000 two-wheelers have been stolen in Bengaluru in the last 2.5 years, highlighting the growing challenge of vehicle theft in the city.
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The IMD attributes the rain to a low-pressure area over the Bay of Bengal and has issued yellow alerts for surrounding districts, including Tumakuru,...