A tragic incident in Bengaluru has put a well-known sweetmaker, Asha Sweet Centre, under scrutiny following the deaths of two young men allegedly engaged...
Bengaluru experienced a significant decline in air quality for the second consecutive night, coinciding with the Deepavali festivities marked by firecracker use.
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Firecracker sales in Bengaluru have been sluggish as the city marked the third day of Deepavali festivities. While some vendors reported steady sales, others...
In a bid to enhance communication between autorickshaw drivers and non-Kannadiga passengers, the Bengaluru City Police (BCP) Traffic Department, in partnership with 'Auto Kannadiga,'...
Bengaluru saw over 40 individuals sustain eye and burn injuries due to firecrackers during the Deepavali celebrations, hospital authorities reported on Friday. The Minto...
Bengaluru has reported 56 firecracker-related eye injuries across six hospitals between October 31 and November 1, highlighting concerns about safety during the festive season.
The Vishwa Hindu Parishad has called on landowners in Mangaluru to check their records following reports of agricultural land and temple properties registered as...