In a distressing incident on Tuesday, a 50-year-old man, identified as Lakshaman Pramanik, lost his life after becoming trapped between the elevator door and...
The Bengaluru Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL) has announced an ambitious double-decker metro line as part of its Namma Metro Phase 3 expansion.
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Koramangala 3rd Block, famously known as "Billionaire Street," has become Bengaluru's prime property hotspot, drawing startup founders, top executives, and elite investors.
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Purushottam Bilimale, head of the Kannada Development Authority, recently voiced a longstanding concern in Bengaluru: that Kannadigas feel outnumbered in their own city.
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On Wednesday evening, police at Bengaluru's Richmond Junction averted a potential tragedy by rescuing a 37-year-old man attempting to jump off a flyover.
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A new international flower market, to be built on a five-acre plot at GKVK campus, promises to revolutionise Bengaluru’s flower trade
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Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL) received the prestigious Special Award for Innovation from the Centre for High Technology, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural...
Over 50 ancient inscriptions in Hoskote have gone missing, sparking concerns about the preservation of this valuable historical heritage.
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Excise officials have seized liquor worth ₹29.07 crore during a crackdown in the Channapatna constituency, as part of by-election code enforcement.
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The Bengaluru Police's Central Crime Branch (CCB) recently uncovered a scheme involving fake health cards used to illegally access government medical benefits.
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The Karnataka State Human Rights Commission (KSHRC) has instructed Bengaluru Police Commissioner B. Dayananda to conduct a thorough investigation
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