Bengaluru police have apprehended two brothers, Vidyananda Sahani (32) and Premkumar (42), from Bihar for alleged illegal possession of firearms and ammunition during a...
In a shocking incident, a 24-year-old woman named Lakshmi was found dead under mysterious circumstances in a bathroom at Nelamangala on Sunday.
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The Chandra Layout police in Bengaluru have filed a case against a 38-year-old welder, Imran Khan, for allegedly strangling his wife
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Football tournament by BSLA unites 16 teams to support Abhaya Rape-Free Movement, with inspiring contributions from Mrs. Esha Bhalla
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The Bengaluru Traffic Police (BTP) conducted a series of enforcement drives from November 17 to 23, focusing on various traffic violations.
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A 30-year-old restaurateur from Bengaluru, Kashif, fell victim to a fraudster posing as an exorcist, losing ₹31 lakh in cash, gold, and silver.
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A devastating accident claimed the life of a two-year-old boy, Ekash, on Monday near a temple on Bengaluru’s Bannerghatta Road. The incident occurred as...
Ramesh N.R., president of the Karnataka Anti-Corruption Forum, has filed a complaint with the Enforcement Directorate (ED) against nine individuals, including serving and retired...
A 50-year-old carpenter, identified as Jayaram from Udupi, was found dead under suspicious circumstances at a lodge in southeastern Bengaluru, the police reported on...
On the opening day of the auction, Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) made significant moves, securing six new players for their squad.
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