In a significant development in the case of 34-year-old Atul Subhash's suicide, Bengaluru police have arrested his estranged wife, Nikita Singhania, along with her...
Traffic moving at a snail’s pace, combined with thick dust, has turned the Intermediate Ring Road into a nightmare for two-wheeler riders and pedestrians.
Bengaluru has recorded 714 rape cases in the past five years, with numbers consistently rising until 2023, according to data presented in the Legislative...
ber has launched Uber Moto Women, a pioneering service in Bengaluru offering women-only bike rides. This new service connects female riders with female drivers
Uber is in talks with the Karnataka government to launch its shuttle bus service in Bengaluru, following successful operations in cities like Kolkata and...
Designed by the renowned architect Thomas Abraham, this 30-foot-tall, two-story house has earned widespread acclaim for its visionary design and seamless integration with nature.