Allu Arjun was questioned today at Chikkadpally police station in Hyderabad in connection with the death of a woman in a stampede during the screening of Pushpa 2 outside Sandhya Theatre on December 4. Following this, Telangana Congress MLA Bhupathi Reddy warned the actor to behave or else he would ensure none of his movies release in the state. He also vowed to teach the actor a lesson if he doesn’t mind his tongue.
Telangana Congress MLA Bhupathi Reddy stirs controvery
Speaking to the media, MLA said, “We will teach him a lesson. Allu Arjun must mind his tongue as he is speaking too much”. He added, “Pushpa franchise is a smuggler movie about selling red sanders and doing business. I am warning you if you speak about our CM. You are from Andhra and be like one, you have come here for livelihood. I’m speaking as a ruling party MLA, keep the respect given to you and do your business. But if you speak about our CM. You’re just an actor, you just spend money and earn money in money in return, what did you do to society respect you? You do your business and live. What is your contribution to Telangana? We are issuing a warning to you, JAC has done something to your resident but if you speak a word against the CM, then I will ensure not a single movie of yours runs in the state.”
Allu Arjun grilled for nearly 4 hours in Pushpa 2 stampede case
Allu Arjun, who was issued a notice to appear before police on Tuesday as part of the ongoing probe into the stampede during the screening of Pushpa 2 on December 4, arrived for questioning at the Chikkadpally Police Station in Hyderabad around 11 am. After being questioned for nearly four hours the Pushpa 2 star was seen heading home around 3 PM. The actor was accompanied by his father-in-law. As per our sources, Allu Arjun answered all questions asked by the cops.
The notice came a day after police commissioner C V Anand released a video showing the sequence of events at the theatre. Following the incident, the city police registered a case against Allu Arjun, his security team, and the theatre management under different sections of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) at the Chikkadpally police station based on the complaint lodged by the deceased woman’s family.