New Delhi, December 24,Popular actor Allu Arjun, renowned for his role in Pushpa 2, has been summoned by Hyderabad police in connection with a tragic stampede that occurred during the film’s premiere at Sandhya Theatre. The incident led to the death of a woman and left her son critically injured, raising questions about the crowd management at the event.
The actor faces further scrutiny after a Congress leader filed a complaint against him, alleging that a scene in Pushpa 2 disrespects the Telangana police. The controversy has added to the challenges Allu Arjun now faces, as he is expected to appear before the police for questioning in both matters.
Public and media attention remains intense, with some fans rallying in support of the actor while others demand accountability. As these events unfold, they highlight the potential risks of high-profile premieres and the delicate balance between artistic freedom and public perception.