Aditya Gadhvi became a household name after his chartbuster song Khalasi, released on Coke Studio Bharat. The song’s popularity even reached 7 Lok Kalyan Marg. PM Modi praised Gadhvi and his song Khalasi way back in 2023. He wrote, “Khalasi is topping the charts and Aditya Gadhvi is winning hearts for his music. This video brings back memories from a special interaction”.
Khalasi is topping the charts and Aditya Gadhvi is winning hearts for his music.
This video brings back memories from a special interaction…@AdityaGadhvi03
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) November 3, 2023
This folk-inspired song paved the way for Gadhvi to perform at the ‘Modi & US’ event at the Nassau Coliseum stadium in Long Island, where lakhs of Indian-Americans gathered to welcome PM Modi.
#WATCH | Modi&US Event | Singer Aditya Gadhvi performs in Nassau Coliseum in New York, Long Island.
PM Modi will shortly address the Indian diaspora, here.
— ANI (@ANI) September 22, 2024
Being a fan of Gadhvi’s song, the prime minister got up from his seat during his concert, walked towards the stage, hugged him, and even patted him on the back.
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The singer took to Instagram and shared a “moment captured” of the big event. Dropping the photo with the PM, Aditya wrote in the caption, “Moment captured. Prime Minister Of India & Aditya Gadhvi in New York 2024.”
Kerala-born rapper Hanumankind, who broke records with his latest album, Big Dawgs, also performed at the event.
Can Indians rap? @Hanumankind1 of ‘Big Dawgs’ fame answered that question!
That force of nature is on stage #ModiandUs!
— Modi&US (@ModiandUS) September 22, 2024
Hanumankind, who is known as Sooraj Cherukat, received thumping applause when he came on the stage. His album has entered the Billboard Hot 100 list.