Vasan Bala made his directorial debut in Bollywood in 2012 with Peddlers which went on to earn nominations for the Golden Camera Award at Cannes. This year, he directed Jigra, starring Alia Bhatt and Vedang Raina, which bombed at the box office. The movie also became a subject of several controversies, such as corporate booking, plagiarism and Karan Johar passing the role to Alia while Bala wrote the script keeping in mind Katrina. Despite all the controversies, the filmmaker never fails to praise the actress. Speaking of which, in a recent interview, he said that after working with the Student of the Year actress, directors are likely to suffer when they make their next movie.
Vasan Bala recalls shooting Jigra with Alia Bhatt
In an interview with Mashable India, Vasan Bala was shown a picture of him and Alia from the sets of Jigra that shows them laughing. On seeing the photo, Bala recalled, “I clearly remember this day. Because our film was so intense, we barely laughed on sets and I was quiet in my director zone. Usually, sets are funny, but this film lacked humour so the environment on the set used to remain quiet serious. This one day, we had a lighter day and we were just chit chatting and laughing.”
Why directors will suffer after working with Alia Bhatt?
Further praising Alia Bhatt, Bala said he believes every director whom he loves should get an opportunity to work with the actress. “They will be spoilt and then unki agli film mein band bajegi (They will suffer in their next film),” he added. Explaining his remark, Bala said, “She has no entourage, nothing, she is always ready. Sometimes I didn’t even have to communicate how I wanted a scene, a gesture from my end would be enough for her to understand what I needed in that shot.”
Earlier during the promotions of Jigra, Vasan shared I had written a very kachha pakka email, stream of consciousness thoughts… sent it to Karan and 6-7 hours later, he called saying that I had already sent it to Alia and I was really not happy with it.” This was enough to ignite the netizens and soon it was all over the internet that Johar snatched an opportunity from Katrina. However, later Bala clarified his stance and said he always wanted to work with Alia it was just he was miffed that the script was sent to the actress without his knowledge, and he couldn’t get an opportunity to correct errors in his script.