Allu Arjun appeared before the Hyderabad police on Tuesday in connection with the death of a woman during a stampede at Sandhya Theatre on December 4. The actor was questioned for four hours and was released at around 3 PM. On Wednesday, December 25, the actor was presented again and this time he was asked around 20 to 25 questions which he answered without hesitation. The Pushpa 2 actor has promised the authorities full cooperation with the investigation.
Allu Arjun grilled with 20-25 questions
According to the source, on the second day of interrogation, the actor was asked around 20-25 questions and he answered all of them without hesitation. Police asked him if ACP or DCP approached you in the theatre, to this, he replied, “No one came to me and later the manager told me there was a stampede-like situation within one hour after I came to the theatre and the same could happen while leaving so it’s better to leave before itself. So within 3 minutes, I came out of the theatre”.
He further shared that he didn’t know about the incident, and about the kid who fell ill, “I got to know about it the next day,” he said.
Police also asked him “How many bouncers did you hire?” He replied, “I did not hire any bouncers, it was Mythri Movies makers and exhibitors who had hired them.” The actor’s bouncer, Anthony, is the head of the bouncer agency and that agency was hired by Mythri Movie Makers.
Allu Arjun is accused number 11 in stampede case
In the case diary accessed by Republic, the management of Sandhya Theatre, including all the partners, balcony incharge and gatekeeper, have been named first on the accused list. They were followed by Allu Arjun as A (accused) 11 while his manager Bunny is A13. The production house has been named as A18. The Hyderabad Police in the remand case diary talks in great detail about how they went and arrested all accused people. “They arrested the accused A16, and A17 and interrogated them thoroughly where they admitted they were guilty of committing the offence.”