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Sunday, January 5, 2025

Tatwamasi (सबरीमाला देवालय शीर्ष महावाक्य : तत्त्वमसि)


The inner meanings of the four Vedas, explained through the four Upanishads came out by churning, these are reflected in the great four truths (phrases).

Great sages Adi Sankara searching an answer to the ever famous question “Who Am I “ will be revealed, if you understand the inner meaning of these Maha Vakyas !

Rig Veda , Aithareya Upanishad ; Prjnanam Brahma (Gyan is Brahma)

Yajur Veda , Chhandogya Upanishad; Tatwamasi (It is You)

Sama Veda, Bruhadaranyaka Upanishad; Aham Brahmasmi (I am Brahma)

Atharva Veda, Mandookya Upanishad; Ayam Atma Brahma (I am Atma, hence I am Brahma)

Your effort in search of an answer to the question “Who Am I” will bring you Here, though the route to reach Here is highly complicated, full of thorns.

Modifying the earlier way of life practiced till now with major changes, adhering to the strict rules and advices of a Guruswami (3rd person)- Vrita, with dedication, devotion and determination and reaching at the end of the travel towards divine bliss, enlightenment- is the doctrine of Sanatana Dharama- i.e., Tat-Tvam -Asi.

Strengthening of body and mind through tough rituals of vritha, you will be prepared to face any adversaries in the trekking route to Sabarimala.

Passing through dense forest in the midst of wild animals and difficulties, with ‘Irumudi’ containing pooja materials and the most important “Neithenga” (Ghee filled Coconut) on the head you reached below the holy 18 steps to get a glimpse of the Lord, Swamy Ayyappa, Sree Bhootanatha, the head of Panchabhootas- Prithvi (Earth), Jal (Water), Agni (Fire), Vayu (Air) and Akash (Sky).

Breaking a coconut symbolizing destruction of your ego, you climb the 18 holy steps, steps to your final goal of Moksha.

Human body comprises 96 tatwa /doctrines / principles in which 18 are very important and are to be compulsorily avoided.

The essence and purpose of the strict rituals during the Vrita are to prepare your body and mind to overcome these 18 vices.

The first 5 steps represent Panchendriyas – 5 sense organs: eyes, nose, tongue, skin and ears, which always divert a person from his ultimate goal are to be under your control, though difficult in the worldly life, a truth-seeker should be able to acquire that mental power.

The next 8 steps represent 8 negative characteristics which prevent man from attaining salvation: kaama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha (temptation), mada (pride), maatsarya (envy), ahankara (ego) and dambham (jealousy) which are to be removed from your mind.

Next 3 steps represent Tri-gunas: Tamo guna (lowest of the three; selfish, ignorance), Rajo guna (a mixture of both Tamo and Sattva gunas) and Sattva guna (Rishi like good quality, selflessness, sacrificing for others); One has to come out of all these tri-gunas, which are derived from Panchabhootas.

Dr. Anadi Sahoo
Dr. Anadi Sahoo
The Author ; Dr. Anadi Sahoo is the Founder of Spiritual Bharat, a Spiritual Educational Institute where academic, social, and religious values are taught. He is also a renowned thought leader in Hinduism and has completed a 12-year Gurukul spiritual training from the Nath Sampradaya. Additionally, he is a spiritual scientist, author, and trainer, known for his profound insights shared through over 150 spiritual articles featured on the Speaking Tree of Times of India. Dr. Sahoo"s commitment is to impart principles and practices for genuine happiness, especially to those earnestly seeking spiritual growth. He also sheds light on the inclusive essence of Hinduism and discusses the intersection of Hinduism with other communities in exercising an inclusive viewpoint.

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