A devastating fire engulfed a school bus carrying 44 students and teachers on a trip from Uthai Thani to Ayutthaya, resulting in a tragic incident on the outskirts of Bangkok. According to government officials, around 25 individuals are feared dead in this catastrophe.
The fire broke out around noon in Pathum Thani province, a northern suburb of the capital, while the bus was en route. Transport Minister Suriya Juangroongruangkit confirmed that 16 students and three teachers were hospitalized for treatment. The exact cause of the blaze is currently under investigation.
Initial investigations suggest that the bus was powered by compressed gas, which ignited and caused the fire to spread rapidly. Eyewitness accounts and video footage show flames engulfing the bus as it burned fiercely under an overpass, releasing thick clouds of black smoke that could be seen from afar.
*Thailand School bus fire leaves multiple students dead and injured*
On Tuesday,a school bus caught fire during a field trip near Zeer Rangsit shopping mall on Vibhavadi Road, Pathum Thani province.The Ruamkatanyu Foundation reported that many students suffered burns,some fatally pic.twitter.com/4L8ccEIjpd— Bhambrisahil94 (@Bhambrisahil941) October 1, 2024
Interior Minister Anutin Charnvirakul indicated that the number of casualties is based on survivor accounts, with further confirmations pending from law enforcement. Rescue teams are on-site, working to determine the full scope of the tragedy while providing medical assistance to those affected.